Summary: Air Pollution In California
The worst pollution that affects us daily is air pollution which refers to any chemical, biological or other matter that causes changes in the atmosphere. Air pollution has unseen impact on us. It can cause harm to our lung, skin cancer, sun burn and lesser ailments. There is no real way to stop air pollution we can only stop more problem from occurring by using less chemical, fossil fuel or get rid of using it by replace our car with hybrid vehicles.
Summary: Creating a healthy environment
Chromic diseases can be moderated by how we design and build our human environment. The most effective way of controlling dieses is weight loss and physical activity by preparing safe place to pursue them to do so. Besides that, bad air makes respiratory disease worse and to stop the problem improve air quality by less driving, better public transport, well design landscape and residential density are more effective than additional roadways. We should also seize opportunity to form coalitions between health professions, architects professions and transport official to made environmental decision. We must be alert to health benefit and measure the impact of environmental decisions on real people.
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